Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We Cannot Evolve as a species until we Stop War

Why are we Warring?
Why are we still in the Stone Age with accepting and allowing wars to be the answer to our strife?
I think it is time that we as humanity grow up from this. What is this gaining for us as a people? All this does is create more stress and fear as a cycle to what we have become and live as. I think that all weapons should be banned and that we should not spend time and money on the making of them any longer. And start to take responsibility in a constructive way, instead of a destructive way. 
The interesting thing is that if you notice that we are fighting in wars for “other peoples ideas!” These are the money and power hungry people that have a big mouth - lol - and rally “other people” to do there bidding. WE DO NOT NEED TO DO THIS.
Who would fight their wars if we all took a stand and said No?
Lets tell these people that we do not want War to be part of our lives any longer. That we want and are willing to make a world where All can have a dignified life.
Be on the look out for a worldwide petition to end the use and making of killing weapons and sign it. This will cause the so-called leaders to take notice that we are done with this, and that we want a democracy in place that supports all peoples and all life.

We cannot evolve as a species until we stop war. Lets stop the Dick-tators from using us to fight for their dick envy.