Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How it would work: Part 3 of 5

Everyone will have his or her basics needs met.
Every one will have equal money from birth to death. All would have food, shelter, access to education, and health care. Resources for this would be done as a type of collaborative community worldwide, which would be divided up into smaller regional communities similar to a kibbutz. Everyone would be required at a certain age to assist in a kibbutz for a certain amount of years. There would be many different types of kibbutz to choose from, like agriculture, industrial plants, and high -tech enterprises. The time in a kibbutz would qualify the person for basics needs and acceptance to the equal money system. After that they can do what they want.
There will be guidelines and specifics, but the main creed is to work from the stand point of “What will be best for all of life,” meaning, the socialism idea would be taken  to include all life, animals, nature and biotic.
Going green will be how resources are cultivated for use, including sustainability. As it says in an article of the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, “ the traditional definition of sustainability calls for policies and strategies that meet society’s present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
The system will be promoted and implanting through a true Democratic Party that could be called the “Equal Life Party.”

Change Our World - Equal Money System

Image by Cathy Krafft - Destonian Art Facebook 

Monday, August 29, 2011

What would be different with an equal money system? Part 2 of 5

These are just some of the things that would change in an equal money system.
·        Heath Care would be geared to helping people stay healthy instead of supporting the pharmaceutical companies where are a corporation that seeks profits above human life.
·        Vivisection would end - using an abusing animals for testing
·        Criminals in government would end because seeking profit creates crime and greed.
·        Prostitution would stop, as people would not have to sell sex for survival.
·        Child labor and child prostitution would stop; extortion of cheep labor would end.
·        Hippocratic Oath would be reinstated - a doctor can really help with out being policed by criminals in the pharmaceutical industry. 
·        Pre school education would change. We could teach productive ideas instead of who won what war.
·        Pets and Animals will no longer be bred for profit.
·        War will end
·        The music industry that exploits will end.
·        Poverty will end.
·        Banking system will end.
·        Psychology and psychiatry would change to look for solutions instead to create new psychotic behaviors and also supports corrupt pharmaceutical companies. 
·        Security insurance business will end.
·        Science would change, as most scientists are blocked from finding solution to world problems and paid to produce for profit.
·        Advertising would end.

Concerning advertising for example: There are sociologists that get paid by advertising media to look at children and there vulnerability so they can make a profit. They gear their sales presentation to make consumers out of children. Children grow up with the “I wants, and me, me and really have no true role models except Television, where it is telling them what they need to have to be accepted in the form of things outside of them. “Stuff”, like George Carlen the comedian did a show about. How much stuff do you have? You need more stuff to be important. We have lost the value of ourselves and replaced it with stuff.
Maybe we would have a chance with an equal moneys system, to see who we really are, instead of whom the advertiser wants us to be so we will buy their product. They tell us that with their product, we will have a better or happier life. Maybe we can live the meaning of Life instead of to live the life of Money.

Join Us - Make the world a dignified place to live Equal Money System 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why an Equal Money System: Part 1 of 5

Poverty has always been an accepted condition the world. In this paper I will investigate a possible solution to end poverty that was shared thorough videos and blogs.

We have decided to call it the Equal Money System - to get the message across to those who do not have academic schooling or time to investigate what socialism is. What we are proposing is a form of socialism. Quote from Socialism From Wikipedia, “Socialists hold that capitalism is an illegitimate economic system, since it serves the interests of the wealthy and allows the exploitation of lower classes.”

To define why an equal money system, maybe it is better to look at why people would not want an equal money system.
The way we has humans think of money, has led to a possessive state of existence where money is all we reflect about. Everyday we need to know how much money we have, so we know what we can accomplish, and even if we can survive. It is like money is the real God of existence, since that is how we really get our food and shelter, and this is what many pray for. It is like saying, how are you going to make money so you can pay for your life?  We are saying it this way, because the way it is now, without money you cannot survive on this planet. So what is allowing us life? Money.
Our conditioning through economics has created a world of the have and the have nots, where money is the God that answers prayers, because with out it we cannot get food or shelter. We have placed all our value and worth as money. Is it any wonder that we have been so conditioned by the idea of “Money,” that people pray to God as money being the answer to many prayers?
We need to see that there are enough resources for all to have a dignified life, instead of keeping this system where one needs money, (now it is electronic numbers passing around cyber space), to tell you if you can buy food or not. It has become extremely lopsided where the few 5% of the population have most of the money.
The poor do not need donations and contributions they need economic equality. What we are proposing is an equal money system where everyone will be provided for from birth to death equally.
Though, the idea is not really about money, but that is how it would be set up at first. All the money is divided, yet none will lose anything they have already have, unless it is way over the top, as too much land for prestige sake, or to uses power over another. They wont lose their fine cars or house or “things” they already have. In fact the only thing they will lose is the power to control others through money. Controlling others for profit would stop in an equal money system. This will not be run by a dictatorship. It will be a real democratic community, where all are involved making the rules, by using the creed that considers what is best for all of life. Nature, animals and biotic will be consider in all we do. Support for anyone will be available. 

Support Life - Not abuse Life - Join Equal Money - Equal Life  http://equalmoney.org/
Photo graphic by Cathy Krafft