Every one will have equal money from birth to death. All would have food, shelter, access to education, and health care. Resources for this would be done as a type of collaborative community worldwide, which would be divided up into smaller regional communities similar to a kibbutz. Everyone would be required at a certain age to assist in a kibbutz for a certain amount of years. There would be many different types of kibbutz to choose from, like agriculture, industrial plants, and high -tech enterprises. The time in a kibbutz would qualify the person for basics needs and acceptance to the equal money system. After that they can do what they want.
There will be guidelines and specifics, but the main creed is to work from the stand point of “What will be best for all of life,” meaning, the socialism idea would be taken to include all life, animals, nature and biotic.
Going green will be how resources are cultivated for use, including sustainability. As it says in an article of the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, “ the traditional definition of sustainability calls for policies and strategies that meet society’s present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
The system will be promoted and implanting through a true Democratic Party that could be called the “Equal Life Party.”
Change Our World - Equal Money System
Image by Cathy Krafft - Destonian Art Facebook
Image by Cathy Krafft - Destonian Art Facebook