Monday, August 29, 2011

What would be different with an equal money system? Part 2 of 5

These are just some of the things that would change in an equal money system.
·        Heath Care would be geared to helping people stay healthy instead of supporting the pharmaceutical companies where are a corporation that seeks profits above human life.
·        Vivisection would end - using an abusing animals for testing
·        Criminals in government would end because seeking profit creates crime and greed.
·        Prostitution would stop, as people would not have to sell sex for survival.
·        Child labor and child prostitution would stop; extortion of cheep labor would end.
·        Hippocratic Oath would be reinstated - a doctor can really help with out being policed by criminals in the pharmaceutical industry. 
·        Pre school education would change. We could teach productive ideas instead of who won what war.
·        Pets and Animals will no longer be bred for profit.
·        War will end
·        The music industry that exploits will end.
·        Poverty will end.
·        Banking system will end.
·        Psychology and psychiatry would change to look for solutions instead to create new psychotic behaviors and also supports corrupt pharmaceutical companies. 
·        Security insurance business will end.
·        Science would change, as most scientists are blocked from finding solution to world problems and paid to produce for profit.
·        Advertising would end.

Concerning advertising for example: There are sociologists that get paid by advertising media to look at children and there vulnerability so they can make a profit. They gear their sales presentation to make consumers out of children. Children grow up with the “I wants, and me, me and really have no true role models except Television, where it is telling them what they need to have to be accepted in the form of things outside of them. “Stuff”, like George Carlen the comedian did a show about. How much stuff do you have? You need more stuff to be important. We have lost the value of ourselves and replaced it with stuff.
Maybe we would have a chance with an equal moneys system, to see who we really are, instead of whom the advertiser wants us to be so we will buy their product. They tell us that with their product, we will have a better or happier life. Maybe we can live the meaning of Life instead of to live the life of Money.

Join Us - Make the world a dignified place to live Equal Money System 

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