I was going to use argument for an equal money system as rationalization theory, but I see that this theory is dependent on what a person terms or thinks is rational thinking. One may think it is rational to keep the mass enslaved because they feel they need control. So instead of rationalism, I would like to use the saying “common sense”, as that cannot be argued so easily.
First off I would say, using common sense, that there is poverty because of economic inequality. The idea is quite simple really and is actually a common sense statement. If all had equal money much of the abuse of the world, people and nature would stop. It is common sense that if all had equal money from birth to death, poverty would reduce 95.5% if not completely end all together.
Now what comes up with this idea, are reasons why this is impossible to do. And they would say it is common sense because it has been tried before, but in actually it hasn’t been done. If it were done it would be that way now. There are many arguments to why it can’t work, as people would say, look at all the different variations of socialism parties that do not work, or socialism is run by dictatorships. Some are in power and some are not anymore. Most all had some type of colonization as political control. But not a true communism by democratic vote, where the creed would always be, “What is best for All.” For example, is it best for All that many live in poverty and some do not? No, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Common sense shows the reasons for suffering and inequality, and shows a solution. Rationalism talks of reasons why not to change. Changing OurSelfs from a life of separation to Equality- Desteni (I) Process
Change Our World - Equal Money System
Destonians http://desteni.co.za/intro-forum/
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