No more seeing people as a dollar signs $$$, that we are depended on to pay our bills - To pay for living here.
Wow what a relieve that would be! With businesses we depend on others that have money to spend to come into our business. If they don’t come in we don’t survive - We can’t pay our rent or buy food or pay for electric, gas, wood - We NEED the Money - Thus we look at other people and see them as dollar signs that we hopefully will acquire.
I work as a waitress in a restaurant. We spend the day hoping we will be busy - hoping we will get customers to come in - so we can make money to pay for the things we need.
Thus when we see a person - this person is seen as potential money for us. I would like to wait on people, to serve people with out it being a cause for survival. I would like to do just because I enjoy meeting people. And I could serve all people that want to eat - not the ones with money - All could experience what others have to offer without the con-dition of money to survive in life. It truly does Not have to be this way. We have just blinding accepted that a piece of paper or digits in cyber space that a few “privileged” people decided that is how we are going to live and they decide a value for it. Silly aren’t we? Sins of the fathers will keep the old going until we say stop - no thanks - no more.
So with an Equal Money system we can do things we truly like without the fear we will not have the costumers needed to keep it going.
For example - lets say I like cooking and experimenting with recipes and that I want to have a place where others can share in the experience. I can have a restaurant - open it when I want and not worry about depending on people as my source to pay bills to live. That is how earth is in Star Trek - they do not use money - everyone has what they need to live - it is given at birth - it is our birthright. When then can do things for ourselves and the community that will support each other. Because I think that most people, if the fear of survival was gone - that they would want to serve each other and help with making a world that is best for everyone and everything. Without the fear of survival we would start to trust each other - we would be living as divine beings in consideration of this entire planet that is our home.
December 10, 2011
Adele Caskey
Change OurSelfs- Desteni (I) Process Life Coaching
Change Our World - Equal Money System
Change Our World - Equal Money System
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