Sunday, May 29, 2011

Capitalism and Stockholm syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a condition that occurs when a person starts to like, subscribe, or even enjoy their conditions that would be labeled by an outside observer as one of a disadvantage, not to ones liking, repulsive, or which one would rather escape. One example of Stockholm syndrome is when a victim of a prolonged hijacking starts to enjoy the company of the their hijackers. Human beings have been subject to Stockholm syndrome since recorded history and we could say humanity is suffering from Stockholm syndrome that is so sever that we are even born into it as a baby.
We as a world population seem to have come to terms with, and identify ourselves with slavery, dependency, addiction, control and fear as motivation for survival. This seems to be the only purpose of our existence, and we allow this as global normalcy.
Humans have this peculiar ability to try to find an easy way out no matter what kind of compromise, suppression or evil it may take instead of looking at a situation with common sense and walking and standing by a solution that will be benefit for all life on our planet.
Let’s look at the machine of economic finance that we that we currently live in called a free market as capitalism. We have become this system within our very own inner being. We wake up in the morning and realize that nothing can be done without money, and plan our whole life around the acquisition of money. Parents and schools encourage and prepare us for “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Meaning how are you going to make money so you can pay for your life.
 We have Stockholm disorder. We have accepted and allowed suppression of common sense, instead of looking for a real solution and even defend our misery, instead of finding a way of co-existing and actually living, and enjoying living here together as planetary humans. We are taught to look to find our own separate and individual happiness within the sea of suffering, poverty and struggle we see around us every day.  Many are taught the theory of, “acceptance of what is,” which are symptoms of Stockholm syndrome.
Quote from Socialism From Wikipedia: “Socialists hold that capitalism is an illegitimate economic system, since it serves the interests of the wealthy and allows the exploitation of lower classes.”
If one looks at the consequences and collateral damage caused by the system as capitalism, it’s obvious we’re facing a situation similar to a world war. Every day 20,000 people die from hunger, now multiply that with the number of days within a year and the number of years a that one of our world wars lasted. The result would be comparable to that of destruction caused by war, or that the world war has actually never ended. Only the means of destruction and murder have changed. Human lives are now destroyed en mass on a calculator in a stock market instead of on a front in trenches.

To put this in a nutshell, we will see that the majority of people and their reasoning for war, the misunderstandings, spite, stupidity and inability to communicate to find a way to co-exist are all the same. They have accepted and allowed the idea within themselves that money, as we know it, must exist, and be by the rules of capitalism and a free market. This has become so ingrained within us, that it has become our DNA(1) as children are born into capitalism. So just like Stockholm syndrome, we’ve completely lost any objectivity and ability to look from an outside perspective with some common sense to the situation we live in.
If we were taught and encourage to use common sense, as a way to look at what is best for all of life equally, we would see how, irrational, unnecessary and enslaving the capitalist money system is. And see the bondage, dependency and struggle that the current money system is producing.
The solution.
We can use one point to our advantage, the acceptance of money as god(2) which is complete and without question by the vast majority of people on the planet. It’s our point of stability. From this point of stability and certainty, we can base and design a new system, by using common sense that would consider what’s best for all of life. Therefore providing the greatest possible outcome for each individual on the planet.
The new system should be the Equal Money System. In this system, each one would be allocated the same amount of money so as to be able to move within this world, to support each other. Since this approach is supporting the best for all of like, many destructive things would stop. For example the waste of resources that are purely for profit, the abuse of animals for profit, and the abuse of people for profit.
We would still work to support ourselves as a community, we would still earn extra money for extra effort, and we would still buy stuff, but we will manage our resources with common sense. Everyone would be provided with basics, there would be no place on the planet where you would be afraid to travel because you’d know that those people there are equally supported, are not exploited by somebody else. They would be able to express themselves and be able to give you a helping hand if you needed, because they’re no longer in survival mode, fear, anger, trying to wrestle their way through life.
Now the question is, are you able to look past your Stockholm syndrome of seeing and accepting this atrocious system as your best friend?
By Róbert Starší
Edited by Adele Caskey
A solution is to free yourself from the program.
Change OurSelfs- Desteni (I) Process
Change Our World - Equal Money System

1 Bruce Lipton “Biology of Beliefs” shows that we create our DNA by emotions and beliefs, that we are actually creating our DNA.

2 We are saying it this way - because they way it is now, without money you cannot survive on this planet. So what is allowing us life? Money.

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