Sunday, December 11, 2011

No More Saving the World

Equal Money is a cause that will end all causes.
We can stop thinking that the world needs saving and start living and acting as custodians of our planet. If we lived like that the world would not need saving. Right now the way we live in this world is to make profit. And when that is the starting point we are not living as custodians, but as takers that do whatever we can get to make a profit. We do not consider others, or nature, we only consider money in our bank accounts.
So what does saving the world mean then?
Save it from what?
Right now saving the world usually means from global warming.
Or save the whales, the animals, the trees, nature, resources, war, and people who are starving. We are the reason why we have to save anything. We are the cause of all the abuse in the world.

In and equal money system, instead of having to “save” these things - we would be researching and studying ways to live equally with nature and each other.
There would be no more starving because there would be no more war. In war we destroy homes and farmlands in the areas we bomb, then the innocent have no food and shelter.
We fight these wars from propaganda spewed by the elite whose goal is to divide and conquer the world’s population and it has worked for thousands of years. They have control because we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be a slave to money and profit. Thus with an equal money system- the money would be equal - all will have the money they need to live a dignified life. The only way to have power over others is to create inequality. And this was created because we have allowed ourselves to believe we are not all equal in deservance of life.

With an equal money system we can wake up in the morning and not hear about all the atrocities that are endless and seem to have no solutions. We can wake up in the morning without fear of what the world governments are doing to each other. We can wake up without worrying if we will have the money value it takes to keep our homes and our children fed. We can stop worry about saving the world from ourselves.
Implementing an equal money system would be the greatest act of kindness that we as a species have ever done.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

No Need to Spend Hours in a Business Waiting for a Customer to Come In!

No more seeing people as a dollar signs $$$, that we are depended on to pay our bills - To pay for living here. 

Wow what a relieve that would be! With businesses we depend on others that have money to spend to come into our business. If they don’t come in we don’t survive - We can’t pay our rent or buy food or pay for electric, gas, wood - We NEED the Money - Thus we look at other people and see them as dollar signs that we hopefully will acquire.
I work as a waitress in a restaurant. We spend the day hoping we will be busy - hoping we will get customers to come in - so we can make money to pay for the things we need.
Thus when we see a person - this person is seen as potential money for us. I would like to wait on people, to serve people with out it being a cause for survival. I would like to do just because I enjoy meeting people. And I could serve all people that want to eat - not the ones with money - All could experience what others have to offer without the con-dition of money to survive in life. It truly does Not have to be this way. We have just blinding accepted that a piece of paper or digits in cyber space that a few “privileged” people decided that is how we are going to live and they decide a value for it.  Silly aren’t we? Sins of the fathers will keep the old going until we say stop - no thanks - no more.

So with an Equal Money system we can do things we truly like without the fear we will not have the costumers needed to keep it going.
For example - lets say I like cooking and experimenting with recipes and that I want to have a place where others can share in the experience. I can have a restaurant - open it when I want and not worry about depending on people as my source to pay bills to live. That is how earth is in Star Trek - they do not use money - everyone has what they need to live - it is given at birth - it is our birthright. When then can do things for ourselves and the community that will support each other. Because I think that most people, if the fear of survival was gone - that they would want to serve each other and help with making a world that is best for everyone and everything.  Without the fear of survival we would start to trust each other - we would be living as divine beings in consideration of this entire planet that is our home. 

December 10, 2011
Adele Caskey

Change OurSelfs- Desteni (I) Process Life Coaching

Change Our World - Equal Money System

Friday, November 25, 2011

What should I give my loved ones for Christmas?

Many people during the Holiday Seasons do volunteer work for the needy - they give them food and clothing.  But what about this - Why do we not as a group bring about a practical solution that will stop the need for charity - because all have what they need by birthright.
If it where not for our believe that “profit” is the way to a happy and fulfilling life- All of us/humanity, could be living in dignity. What I am asking is that you look at how our current system is abusive to those who do not have the opportunity for good education and adequate food and shelter just because they do not have money. And the need for profit - always creates and unbalance - because profit in big corporations, is having more than another. We can see how this has caused untold abuse and raping of earth resources and using people as slave labor to achieve this. So what I am saying is we need to change what we have accepted and allowed for so many life times. The salvation of this world is only waiting FOR US - to make that change from thinking we need to live in a profit and loss system.

Those who are involved with Desteni are a group of people exploring Oneness and Equality principles. With in this we are investigating a practical solution to end poverty and abuse. We have come up with what we are calling an Equal Money System. It is in it infancy stages and is being scrutinized and developed bit by bit daily.
We are supporting BIG (Basic Income Grant) and from there we can move even further in support of a Life that is Best for all living things via the Equal Money System.
So what can be an Everlasting Gift you can give to All?
 A Gift that will change the very nature of who we have become and will support the future children as generations to come.
We are Humanity - whether alive now or in the future - What kind of Future would you like to be born into?
Christmas - means Christ in MASS - The mass of humanity living the words of Christ - Give to another what you would like given to you. That means adequate food, shelter and education to live a dignified life. Lets stop the word destitute and bring about heaven on earth.

I am not say to stop giving to the poor at this time - but along with this, start to support a system that will end poverty altogether.
There are many ways to get evolved.
Start using the Equal Money Badge on Facebook - support those supporting a change.
Look into the Equal Money Website

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Common Sense verse Rationalism - Economic Inequality: Part 5 of 5

I was going to use argument for an equal money system as rationalization theory, but I see that this theory is dependent on what a person terms or thinks is rational thinking. One may think it is rational to keep the mass enslaved because they feel they need control. So instead of rationalism, I would like to use the saying “common sense”, as that cannot be argued so easily.

First off I would say, using common sense, that there is poverty because of economic inequality. The idea is quite simple really and is actually a common sense statement. If all had equal money much of the abuse of the world, people and nature would stop. It is common sense that if all had equal money from birth to death, poverty would reduce 95.5% if not completely end all together.
 Now what comes up with this idea, are reasons why this is impossible to do. And they would say it is common sense because it has been tried before, but in actually it hasn’t been done. If it were done it would be that way now. There are many arguments to why it can’t work, as people would say, look at all the different variations of socialism parties that do not work, or socialism is run by dictatorships. Some are in power and some are not anymore. Most all had some type of colonization as political control. But not a true communism by democratic vote, where the creed would always be, “What is best for All.” For example, is it best for All that many live in poverty and some do not? No, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Common sense shows the reasons for suffering and inequality, and shows a solution. Rationalism talks of reasons why not to change. 

Changing OurSelfs from a life of separation to Equality- Desteni (I) Process 
Change Our World - Equal Money System

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fears to an equal money system: Part 4 of 5

What did they fear to lose? 
 Some gave the indication that they feared to lose individualism. And others feared they would lose proper compensation for the work they did. Another reason with people who have means, (those that have more money) like the idea of prestige that they have in there “class” and are proud of it. Thus they do not like the idea of equality so they may hold onto there idea of being special.
In my observations of the response to a solution to end world poverty, I would say that most people have become desensitized to the suffering that poverty perpetuates. Many would rather look the other way, or they are too busy trying to survive to make ends meet and they do not have the time to care or become activists. I believe that it’s because of how our monetary system is set up, in the way that people are kept too busy through low paying jobs and advertising, to make sure they do not have the time to make a difference. This allows the ones with money to make the laws that support the wealthy, and not the whole of humanity. Most people have developed a type of Stockholm syndrome.  The Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a condition or happening when someone starts to like, or even enjoy, and subscribe to ones conditions that would be labeled by an outside observer as to ones disadvantage, not to ones liking, repulsive, and which one would rather escape. We have allowed ourselves to make ourselves “believe” that we like what is going on!   Many defended their slave jobs because they now have this identity of who they are within being able to endure this. They have talked themselves into being proud of their diligence to provide for their family and feel everyone should pay their dues. They totally forget, or choose not to see, that their enslavers do not work for a living, but just plan ways to keep themselves in power by exploiting the lower classes. Another factor within keeping the Stockholm syndrome going is the drinking of alcohol, which was introduce to the slave class thousand of years ago, but this is another paper. There are of course many other factors. Religion is one of the largest corporations in the world. Most religions actually teach us to accept our Stockholm syndrome because it supports the idea of “acceptance of what is” and endurance until you go to heaven.

Change Our World - Equal Money System - Support a Dignified Life for ALL 
Graphics by Destonians Artists on Facebook

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How it would work: Part 3 of 5

Everyone will have his or her basics needs met.
Every one will have equal money from birth to death. All would have food, shelter, access to education, and health care. Resources for this would be done as a type of collaborative community worldwide, which would be divided up into smaller regional communities similar to a kibbutz. Everyone would be required at a certain age to assist in a kibbutz for a certain amount of years. There would be many different types of kibbutz to choose from, like agriculture, industrial plants, and high -tech enterprises. The time in a kibbutz would qualify the person for basics needs and acceptance to the equal money system. After that they can do what they want.
There will be guidelines and specifics, but the main creed is to work from the stand point of “What will be best for all of life,” meaning, the socialism idea would be taken  to include all life, animals, nature and biotic.
Going green will be how resources are cultivated for use, including sustainability. As it says in an article of the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, “ the traditional definition of sustainability calls for policies and strategies that meet society’s present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
The system will be promoted and implanting through a true Democratic Party that could be called the “Equal Life Party.”

Change Our World - Equal Money System

Image by Cathy Krafft - Destonian Art Facebook 

Monday, August 29, 2011

What would be different with an equal money system? Part 2 of 5

These are just some of the things that would change in an equal money system.
·        Heath Care would be geared to helping people stay healthy instead of supporting the pharmaceutical companies where are a corporation that seeks profits above human life.
·        Vivisection would end - using an abusing animals for testing
·        Criminals in government would end because seeking profit creates crime and greed.
·        Prostitution would stop, as people would not have to sell sex for survival.
·        Child labor and child prostitution would stop; extortion of cheep labor would end.
·        Hippocratic Oath would be reinstated - a doctor can really help with out being policed by criminals in the pharmaceutical industry. 
·        Pre school education would change. We could teach productive ideas instead of who won what war.
·        Pets and Animals will no longer be bred for profit.
·        War will end
·        The music industry that exploits will end.
·        Poverty will end.
·        Banking system will end.
·        Psychology and psychiatry would change to look for solutions instead to create new psychotic behaviors and also supports corrupt pharmaceutical companies. 
·        Security insurance business will end.
·        Science would change, as most scientists are blocked from finding solution to world problems and paid to produce for profit.
·        Advertising would end.

Concerning advertising for example: There are sociologists that get paid by advertising media to look at children and there vulnerability so they can make a profit. They gear their sales presentation to make consumers out of children. Children grow up with the “I wants, and me, me and really have no true role models except Television, where it is telling them what they need to have to be accepted in the form of things outside of them. “Stuff”, like George Carlen the comedian did a show about. How much stuff do you have? You need more stuff to be important. We have lost the value of ourselves and replaced it with stuff.
Maybe we would have a chance with an equal moneys system, to see who we really are, instead of whom the advertiser wants us to be so we will buy their product. They tell us that with their product, we will have a better or happier life. Maybe we can live the meaning of Life instead of to live the life of Money.

Join Us - Make the world a dignified place to live Equal Money System 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why an Equal Money System: Part 1 of 5

Poverty has always been an accepted condition the world. In this paper I will investigate a possible solution to end poverty that was shared thorough videos and blogs.

We have decided to call it the Equal Money System - to get the message across to those who do not have academic schooling or time to investigate what socialism is. What we are proposing is a form of socialism. Quote from Socialism From Wikipedia, “Socialists hold that capitalism is an illegitimate economic system, since it serves the interests of the wealthy and allows the exploitation of lower classes.”

To define why an equal money system, maybe it is better to look at why people would not want an equal money system.
The way we has humans think of money, has led to a possessive state of existence where money is all we reflect about. Everyday we need to know how much money we have, so we know what we can accomplish, and even if we can survive. It is like money is the real God of existence, since that is how we really get our food and shelter, and this is what many pray for. It is like saying, how are you going to make money so you can pay for your life?  We are saying it this way, because the way it is now, without money you cannot survive on this planet. So what is allowing us life? Money.
Our conditioning through economics has created a world of the have and the have nots, where money is the God that answers prayers, because with out it we cannot get food or shelter. We have placed all our value and worth as money. Is it any wonder that we have been so conditioned by the idea of “Money,” that people pray to God as money being the answer to many prayers?
We need to see that there are enough resources for all to have a dignified life, instead of keeping this system where one needs money, (now it is electronic numbers passing around cyber space), to tell you if you can buy food or not. It has become extremely lopsided where the few 5% of the population have most of the money.
The poor do not need donations and contributions they need economic equality. What we are proposing is an equal money system where everyone will be provided for from birth to death equally.
Though, the idea is not really about money, but that is how it would be set up at first. All the money is divided, yet none will lose anything they have already have, unless it is way over the top, as too much land for prestige sake, or to uses power over another. They wont lose their fine cars or house or “things” they already have. In fact the only thing they will lose is the power to control others through money. Controlling others for profit would stop in an equal money system. This will not be run by a dictatorship. It will be a real democratic community, where all are involved making the rules, by using the creed that considers what is best for all of life. Nature, animals and biotic will be consider in all we do. Support for anyone will be available. 

Support Life - Not abuse Life - Join Equal Money - Equal Life
Photo graphic by Cathy Krafft

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We Cannot Evolve as a species until we Stop War

Why are we Warring?
Why are we still in the Stone Age with accepting and allowing wars to be the answer to our strife?
I think it is time that we as humanity grow up from this. What is this gaining for us as a people? All this does is create more stress and fear as a cycle to what we have become and live as. I think that all weapons should be banned and that we should not spend time and money on the making of them any longer. And start to take responsibility in a constructive way, instead of a destructive way. 
The interesting thing is that if you notice that we are fighting in wars for “other peoples ideas!” These are the money and power hungry people that have a big mouth - lol - and rally “other people” to do there bidding. WE DO NOT NEED TO DO THIS.
Who would fight their wars if we all took a stand and said No?
Lets tell these people that we do not want War to be part of our lives any longer. That we want and are willing to make a world where All can have a dignified life.
Be on the look out for a worldwide petition to end the use and making of killing weapons and sign it. This will cause the so-called leaders to take notice that we are done with this, and that we want a democracy in place that supports all peoples and all life.

We cannot evolve as a species until we stop war. Lets stop the Dick-tators from using us to fight for their dick envy.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Capitalism and Stockholm syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a condition that occurs when a person starts to like, subscribe, or even enjoy their conditions that would be labeled by an outside observer as one of a disadvantage, not to ones liking, repulsive, or which one would rather escape. One example of Stockholm syndrome is when a victim of a prolonged hijacking starts to enjoy the company of the their hijackers. Human beings have been subject to Stockholm syndrome since recorded history and we could say humanity is suffering from Stockholm syndrome that is so sever that we are even born into it as a baby.
We as a world population seem to have come to terms with, and identify ourselves with slavery, dependency, addiction, control and fear as motivation for survival. This seems to be the only purpose of our existence, and we allow this as global normalcy.
Humans have this peculiar ability to try to find an easy way out no matter what kind of compromise, suppression or evil it may take instead of looking at a situation with common sense and walking and standing by a solution that will be benefit for all life on our planet.
Let’s look at the machine of economic finance that we that we currently live in called a free market as capitalism. We have become this system within our very own inner being. We wake up in the morning and realize that nothing can be done without money, and plan our whole life around the acquisition of money. Parents and schools encourage and prepare us for “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Meaning how are you going to make money so you can pay for your life.
 We have Stockholm disorder. We have accepted and allowed suppression of common sense, instead of looking for a real solution and even defend our misery, instead of finding a way of co-existing and actually living, and enjoying living here together as planetary humans. We are taught to look to find our own separate and individual happiness within the sea of suffering, poverty and struggle we see around us every day.  Many are taught the theory of, “acceptance of what is,” which are symptoms of Stockholm syndrome.
Quote from Socialism From Wikipedia: “Socialists hold that capitalism is an illegitimate economic system, since it serves the interests of the wealthy and allows the exploitation of lower classes.”
If one looks at the consequences and collateral damage caused by the system as capitalism, it’s obvious we’re facing a situation similar to a world war. Every day 20,000 people die from hunger, now multiply that with the number of days within a year and the number of years a that one of our world wars lasted. The result would be comparable to that of destruction caused by war, or that the world war has actually never ended. Only the means of destruction and murder have changed. Human lives are now destroyed en mass on a calculator in a stock market instead of on a front in trenches.

To put this in a nutshell, we will see that the majority of people and their reasoning for war, the misunderstandings, spite, stupidity and inability to communicate to find a way to co-exist are all the same. They have accepted and allowed the idea within themselves that money, as we know it, must exist, and be by the rules of capitalism and a free market. This has become so ingrained within us, that it has become our DNA(1) as children are born into capitalism. So just like Stockholm syndrome, we’ve completely lost any objectivity and ability to look from an outside perspective with some common sense to the situation we live in.
If we were taught and encourage to use common sense, as a way to look at what is best for all of life equally, we would see how, irrational, unnecessary and enslaving the capitalist money system is. And see the bondage, dependency and struggle that the current money system is producing.
The solution.
We can use one point to our advantage, the acceptance of money as god(2) which is complete and without question by the vast majority of people on the planet. It’s our point of stability. From this point of stability and certainty, we can base and design a new system, by using common sense that would consider what’s best for all of life. Therefore providing the greatest possible outcome for each individual on the planet.
The new system should be the Equal Money System. In this system, each one would be allocated the same amount of money so as to be able to move within this world, to support each other. Since this approach is supporting the best for all of like, many destructive things would stop. For example the waste of resources that are purely for profit, the abuse of animals for profit, and the abuse of people for profit.
We would still work to support ourselves as a community, we would still earn extra money for extra effort, and we would still buy stuff, but we will manage our resources with common sense. Everyone would be provided with basics, there would be no place on the planet where you would be afraid to travel because you’d know that those people there are equally supported, are not exploited by somebody else. They would be able to express themselves and be able to give you a helping hand if you needed, because they’re no longer in survival mode, fear, anger, trying to wrestle their way through life.
Now the question is, are you able to look past your Stockholm syndrome of seeing and accepting this atrocious system as your best friend?
By Róbert Starší
Edited by Adele Caskey
A solution is to free yourself from the program.
Change OurSelfs- Desteni (I) Process
Change Our World - Equal Money System

1 Bruce Lipton “Biology of Beliefs” shows that we create our DNA by emotions and beliefs, that we are actually creating our DNA.

2 We are saying it this way - because they way it is now, without money you cannot survive on this planet. So what is allowing us life? Money.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Alcohol and Money

Coming up